Executive Dysfunction and Why It Shows Up Alongside Depression and Anxiety

Messy desk with person working on a laptop. This could be an example of how executive dysfunction and depression in Chicago, IL can be connected. Reach out to a depression therapist here for therapy in Chicago, IL!

Staying organized and being focused can be hard work! Have you ever noticed that during times of high stress your ability to stay organized can feel like rolling a boulder up a hill? Or maybe it’s more like, “I know I had that boulder somewhere, where- in the world- did I put it?” 

During periods of extreme sadness, such as depression, or worry, a.k.a. anxiety, our ability to stay organized and problem solve is significantly impacted. You may struggle to remember to pull the laundry out of the dryer or even to feed yourself. Generally, we think of forgetting to do the laundry as a function of depression or worry, but it can also be something called Executive Dysfunction. 

What is executive functioning anyway? 

Image of a person writing something in a journal. This person could be trying to work on organization after seeing the correlation between executive dysfunction and depression in Chicago, IL. Reach out to a depression therapist today. 60093 | 60091

Executive functioning is a broad range of skills that affect our everyday lives. More specifically, the cognitive processes that help you organize thoughts, and activities, prioritize tasks, make decisions and manage your time well. For example, remembering to put that laundry away (and actually doing it), paying attention to your boss when they are telling you something important, planning ahead for your next vet visit for your furry friend, etc. When these skills aren’t being performed well, it is called Executive Dysfunction. If you’d like to learn more about executive functioning, you can visit our previous blog about why the easiest tasks are so hard

The trouble is depression and anxiety are challenging enough. Depression can lead to fatigue, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, persistent sadness, and pessimism; while anxiety can lead to rapid breathing, feeling nervous, restless or tense, and having a sense of doom. That seems like enough for someone to take on at one time. However, just as your feelings shift when struggling with depression or anxiety your thoughts and cognitive processes change. That’s where executive dysfunction comes in (aka difficulty with any number of the functions listed above). Cue the dramatic music: dun, dun, dun. 

Why is executive dysfunction important for me to understand when I talk about depression or anxiety? 

For one, there are studies out there that suggest executive functioning deficits play a role in the onset, maintenance, or recurrence of depression. Yup, that’s right you read that correctly. Meaning, difficulty with those previously mentioned cognitive processes like:

  • working memory (where did I put that boulder again?);

  • organize tasks, (do I take the dog for a walk first or start making dinner?);

  • critical thinking (did the chicken or the egg come first?);

  • problem-solving (how do I help a neighbor that is not well?), etc. can lead to depression! 

Image of a young person with glasses looking at art. This image could depict someone who is needing therapy for depression and executive dysfunction in Chicago, IL. Start therapy for yourself in Chicago, IL with a depression therapist.  60093 | 60091

Researchers are still a bit at odds as to whether executive functioning officially leads to depression but one thing is for sure; depression and anxiety significantly impact your brain’s functioning. The higher-order skills, like executive functioning, will show more and more deficits as your depression and anxiety increase in severity. The sadder you feel, the less likely you will be able to plan a 6-course meal for your book club. Worry, too can clog up your memory and negatively impact your ability to get things done in a timely manner. 

The “cure” for executive dysfunction and depression

Thankfully, if you are experiencing symptoms of Executive Dysfunction, Depression, and/or Anxiety the first line of defense is to seek out a mental health professional. Therapy is one of the most preferred treatment methods for all of the above. You can talk to your therapist about interventions aiming to improve coping skills and/or executive functions which have been proven to reduce the risk of depression recurrence. 

Ready to Begin Depression Therapy in Chicago, IL?

We know that therapy can run to the bottom of the priority list when other things are affecting your life, especially when you’re experiencing executive dysfunction. However, we want you to know that it doesn’t have to be that way! And you deserve healing. That’s why the online therapists at our therapy practice based in Chicago, IL offer depression therapy in Illinois via online therapy. We want to help you connect with yourself and begin healing from the comfort of your own home. Take the steps below to get started.

  1. Fill out a consult form here.

  2. Meet with a depression therapist to see if online therapy is a good fit.

  3. Start connecting with yourself and experience the healing you deserve!


When you work with a therapist at our counseling practice in the Chicago, IL area, you will be met with compassion and authenticity. The team at our therapy practice feels honored to help guide folks along their healing process. Specifically, we help people in addressing anxiety, trauma, and work stress. One of our more unique services is yoga therapy, which can also be done using online sessions. We also specialize in supporting LGBTQIA+ folks for a variety of issues. We hope that you take the leap to begin counseling with us. You deserve it.


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