Counseling for Parents

Image of person holding a newborn’s feet. This image could depict a new parent looking for parent coaching in Chicago, IL. Working with a parent counselor can provide you parenting support. | 60015 | 60062

“I wish there was some training on how to be a parent.” We cannot tell you how often we hear some version of the above sentence. And it is not surprising because parenting is HARD! There was no class in high school that sat us down and taught us the basics of parenting. Even if there was, each child is unique so its impossible to just use a blanket approach.

Adjusting to parenthood is tough

Have you ever thought to yourself:

  • I don’t like being a parent, I miss my old life.

  • Other parents seem to be better at this than I am.

  • Am I losing myself?

  • What if I don’t measure up?

  • Am I doing it wrong?

  • I’m so worried all of the time.

  • Parenthood is putting a strain on my relationship with my partner.

  • If parenthood is supposed to be so sweet, why don’t I feel that way?

You are NOT alone in these thoughts. These thoughts may be accompanied by symptoms of depression and anxiety such as malaise, increased worry, changes in eating and sleep patterns, loss of interest, and irritability to name a few.

Image of couple in the mountains. This picture could depict an expecting couple who could use parent coaching in Chicago, IL. Get started with a parent counselor in Chicago, IL today. | 60093 | 60091

Whether you are bringing a new baby home or adjusting to a new stage of development for your child, our parent counselors are here to help. Children grow at a rapid pace which means that they are constantly changing and evolving in so many facets of their lives.

It is so wonderful to see your little one develop, but it is also exhausting learning how to best support, educate, be sensitive to, push them in the right direction, love them, keep them from hurt, let them be independent, and all of the other things we as parents are expected to do. We learn to do all of this while they keep changing. And what once worked, no longer works today.

During adolescent years there are many parenting and teen stressors alike. Teenagers are expected to become more independent, pushing their parents away, and decide what their future will look like while simultaneously asking desperately for their parents to make the decisions for them. It’s like the recapitulation of toddlerhood. Remember when your little one would run away from you but then look over their shoulder to make sure you were still there if they needed help? Yup, thats teenagers in a nutshell. While they are prepping for college at New Trier, GBN, Deerfield, or any of the other amazing high schools we have in the north shore of Illinois, it can become stressful and tiresome on the whole family! Thats where parenting counseling comes in.

Counseling for parents can help

Counseling for parents focuses on providing you with guidance, tools, and emotional support without judgment or bias. You and your therapist will work together to learn how you as the parent affect the dynamic of your family and how to best support you. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup. The best thing to do is put yourself first. Some of the many benefits of parent counseling include:

  • Providing you with an unbiased outsider’s view of your family, which allows you to make more objective decisions

  • A better understanding of your parenting style

  • Better conflict skills and management of parental expectations

Image of mother and son. This image could depict a parent needing counseling for parents in Chicago, IL. Get connected with a parent counselor for parent coaching today. | 60093 | 60091

Begin parent counseling in Northbrook, Il today

There is no perfect parent. But you are the perfect parent for your child. Whether you need some short-term problem solving or want a deeper understanding of your parenting approach and your relationship with your children, our parent counselors can help you discover what it is you need. With in person or online therapy sessions available at our Northbrook, IL-based therapy practice, we can help you become the parent of your dreams.


There are many reasons folks seek out therapy at our counseling practice in Chicago, IL. These include but are not limited to anxiety, depression, and support for burnout. Additionally, we work with highly sensitive people and those in the LGBTQIA+ community in counseling. The therapists at our practice are highly skilled and empathetic, allowing for a structured and safe space for healing.